By Member Larry Trainor
November 11, 2024


NOTICE is hereby given that the office of Plato Township Clerk will be open from
8:30AM - 1:00PM on Tuesday, November 12, 2024; from 3:00PM - 5:00PM on
Monday, November 18, 2024; and by appointment; for the purpose of accepting
candidate petitions for the consolidated election to be held on April 1, 2025, for
the following offices:

Township Supervisor (1) for a four-year term

Township Trustee (4) for a four-year term

Township Clerk (1) for a four-year term

Township Assessor (1) for a four-year term

Township Highway Commissioner(1) for a four-year term

Appointments can be scheduled for November 12-18, 2024, by contacting
Beth Gehrke at 847-922-2584 or 847-697-2538.

Beth Gehrke, Local Election Official

A copy of the posting is attached below

Attachment Public Filing Notice 2024.pdf  (29k)