Plato Township: Planning the Future, Preserving the Past
The rural tradition of our township endures, side-by-side with growth and development.
Founded in 1835, Plato Township's 36 square miles includes rolling farmland, country roads, and town centers, as well as residential subdivisions and commercial development.
Past and Present:
Plato Township began in the 1800's as a quiet farming community with approximately 200 residents. Today, Plato is a bustling suburban hub of northern Illinois.
The Future:
The spirit of our community is its people. Today, Plato's residents and elected officials are working together to preserve its heritage while preparing for tomorrow. We invite both new and long-time residents to join us in building Plato's future.
2025 Annual Township Meeting
Member Mike McMahon, February 26
The Plato Township Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 7:00PM, at the Plato Town Hall. The last day for any 15 or more registered voters in the township to request an agenda item for consideration by the electors at the annual meeting by giving written notice of a specific request to the township clerk is March 1, 2025. ... (Full Story)
Plato Township Cemetery District
Member Mike McMahon, December 27
The Plato Township Cemetery District is looking for a new board member. If you have an interest in helping our community please consider becoming a board member of the Plato Township Cemetery District.
Contact the Plato Township office at 847-464-4228 and we can discuss your questions and the duties of the board members.
Thank You Plato Township... (Full Story)
Helpful Information Regarding Home Security
Member Mike McMahon, December 10
There has been a report of two nearby burglaries which took place Thanksgiving afternoon. These confirmed break-ins occurred in the Hidden Lakes Subdivision (Plato Township) Additionally, the Kane County Sheriff website lists a reported break-in that occurred last week in the Stonecrest subdivision off Russell Road.
Please take note of these useful tips: • Keep your doors and windows secured. Consider ... (Full Story)
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